Picture thanks to União das Mulheres do Underground
Rumour has it that the deathrock is dead. I have found that it’s more alive than ever, but since deathrock was meant to express the core, the gore, the morbid, and the obscene from our society, deathrock/horrorpunk scenes usually stay local. If we deathrock lovers are able to break through language barriers, we will be surprised by the big presence deathrock has across countries, social labels, and all types of barriers and ‘walls’.
In this deathrock highlight, we’ll go directly to the place of the ‘Christ, the Redeamer’ statue, Brazil, which has one of the most active and growing goth oriented music scenes.
Tempos de Morte is a post-punk, deathrock band founded in 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil with Alê (vocals), Bruno (guitars), Fejäo (bass), and Zorel (drums).
DEPRESSION was released on June, the 22nd, this year and it is five tracks full of cynical-fun.
1. “Deathbird”: (Video produced by SIMBIOSE FILMS)
Straight to the point! An intro that lasts around 33 seconds and, just as you know and count, the drums will take all your failed-goals to the dancefloor.
2. “Depression”:
Are you tired, mad, in despair? Nobody cares! Would you dare to dance to the indifference? Postpunk and deathrock real from the core. There’s some sort of a wave vibe, which suits well with the theme. There’s a sound, I don’t know if it’s a guitar with a wah or just the synth simulating the ups and downs of our hormones while we deal with depression.
3. “Espirito Maligno”:
The first track of the album in Portuguese. ‘Maligne Spirit’ is a 1:42 timeframe track which, sadly, it’s lyrics are not disclosed on their Bandcamp. However, it seems like Ale is just improvising, feeling the ‘Espirito Maligno’ like whenever a pastor forgets the actual speech (preach).
4. “Aura”:
This is the second track in Portuguese. This track is kind of difficult to know what’s going on (lyric-wise). It’s like, if you dealt with depression in the past, whenever you are about to fall asleep again but you don’t know if you’re going to sleep or die because you forgot how many pills you consumed? If that’s the case, that’s a very choking song, but isn’t that what deathrock is all about? Music-wise, Bm with several alterations, good use of distortion and amps interferences, drums keep the trad-post-punk pattern, the bass is killing!
5. “Dark City”:
Is it you or your surroundings? Are you depressed by your own means or are you influenced by circumstances. This is a very complex theme since sometimes, we can be going through’ an amazing moment in our lives, but still, find ourselves absorbed by our own depression. Tempos de Morte points this out, making you dance and psychoanalyze yourself at the same time… even if you don’t like to be psychoanalyzed, but who likes ‘Depression’, anyways?
Please, visit their Bandcamp, or their Facebook for more information and updates. Enjoy!